Secular Society


Our Services

SASS offers a diverse range of services to individuals who do not adhere to or practise any religious or faith-based beliefs, without discrimination based on age, race, sexual orientation, creed, or culture. Our organisation is committed to providing support and resources to anyone seeking help, regardless of their personal circumstances or background.


Register as a marriage officer

The South Africa Secular Society are registered by the Department of Home Affairs to designate members as Marriage Officers under the Civil Union Act, thus providing a secular avenue for non-religious South Africans to marry. All SASS Marriage Officers conduct both heterosexual and same-sex marriages. In this way, SASS upholds South Africa’s secular Constitution and protects the rights of secular citizens.


Looking for an officiant for your wedding?

Celebrants officiate at many social rituals, lending significance and formality to special event of your choosing.

The South Africa Secular Society maintains a list of accredited celebrants who are available in South Africa to perform secular ceremonies but are not necessarily affiliated with us.
SASS is registered at the Department of Home Affairs to legally certify Marriage Officers.


Looking for an officiant for another ceremony or celebration?

Secular humanist celebratory services include funerals, child naming ceremonies, coming-of-age ceremonies and various cultural rituals or celebrations. The South Africa Secular Society maintains a list of accredited celebrants who are available in South Africa to perform secular ceremonies but are not necessarily affiliated with us.


Reporting Religious Discrimination in Public Schools

South Africa is a democratic society with a diverse population of different cultures, languages and religions. This should be particularly evident in our public schools where no particular religious ethos should be dominant over and suppress others. The South African Secular Society feels, however, that too many public schools do not protect the equal religious rights of all their learners and do not live up to our democratic core values.

In order to promote secular schooling and the separation of church and state in South Africa, the South African Secular Society developed these resources to approach the matter in public fora or on social media.  Hopefully this will help parents to defend their rights and those of their children.

The idea is to bring together interested and relevant roleplayers in the education space to engage with the Department of Basic Education (DBE) at national and provincial level to promote and protect secular values in our schools as contained in the South African Constitution and Bill of Rights.


Public Speaker Engagements

The South African Secular Society can provide keynote speakers for a variety of social and corporate events.