Secular Society

Mission Statement & Ethos

SASS Mission Statement & Ethos

The South African Secular Society is a Civil Society Organisation (CSO) and is registered as a Non Profit Organisation (NPO).

Secularism is the strict separation of religious institutions from the state, and the equal recognition of all people regardless of their religion or lack thereof, before the law.

The Naturalistic Worldview is a comprehensive worldview based in a scientific, empirical understanding of reality. It offers a positive, rational and fulfilling alternative to faith-based religions and non-empirical worldviews. The naturalistic worldview supports atheism, agnosticism, non-theism, freethought, and humanism.

The Aims and Objectives of the Society are:

  • to support and further the cause of secularism and a naturalistic worldview;
  • to campaign on secular issues;
  • to hold events to promote secularism;
  • to challenge religious privilege in the public space;
  • to educate the general public about secularism
  • to support the non-religious community in South Africa
  • to support the Secular Charter as a matter of policy

The Society may affiliate to any other organisation having similar Aims and Objectives and on such terms and conditions as approved by a majority of the Executive Committee.

SASS commits itself to the following principles:

  • Being faithful to the Republic of South Africa; honouring and abiding by its Constitution;
  • Promoting the unity and wellbeing of those who comprise the South African nation;
  • Being responsive to the needs and welfare of the people of South Africa;
  • Respecting the rights, culture and dignity of all people within the framework of the Bill of Rights, as enshrined in the South African Constitution; enhancing race and gender equality (adhering to the spirit of ‘ubuntu’);
  • Ensuring that there is no discrimination against any member of the public on account of race, gender, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, political persuasion, conscience, belief, culture or language;
  • Acknowledging that every human being has a unique value and potential, irrespective of origin, disability, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, beliefs, socio-economic and legal status;
  • Believing in the dignity, equality and worth of all South Africans, and in a fair and just society that protects and enhances the wellbeing of all its citizens;
  • Reflecting this wherever possible in the composition of its leadership, staff and volunteers;
  • Supporting a participatory democracy;
  • Co-operating, collaborating and networking with other organisations around issues of mutual concern;
  • Applying people-centred development;
  • Promoting voluntarism at all levels;
  • Treating other organisations courteously and respectfully at all times;
  • Ensuring the organisation remains true to its mission and objectives;
  • Ensuring that the organisation presents itself, its policies and its programme in a positive light to the public, regardless of personal feelings or beliefs;
  • Ensuring that the organisation is approachable, helpful and accessible in its relationships with beneficiaries, who are expecting high standards of service;
  • Striving towards the provision of an excellent, efficient and effective service at all times;
  • Being mindful of the circumstances and concerns of the beneficiaries when making decisions that affect them;
  • Ensuring that the organisation has honest and open relationship with its supporters;
  • Ensuring that the members serve the organisation in an unbiased and impartial manner, setting aside personal interests and upholding its good name, in order to create confidence in the organisation and the nonprofit sector as a whole;
  • Ensuring that the organisation forms associations only with organisations that adhere to similar principles.